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VR Game Adds NCC-1701 Bridge

Feb 9, 2017

How one professor is using 'Star Trek' as a blueprint for teaching race, class and gender in media.

Aug 3, 2019
Uhura Cover

Revisit the first season's nods and surprises!

Dec 8, 2023 in Series
Episodic stills from the first season of Star Trek: Discovery including Klingons and the Sarcophagus, Captain Gabriel Lorca, Mirror Universe Emperor Georgiou, and the U.S.S. Discovery

'What You Leave Behind' celebrates what the space station had become over the past seven years.

Jun 2, 2023 in Feature
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

For STEM Day, we look at how STEM fields are beginning to fulfill the promise that Geordi La Forge embodies – the promise of equal opportunity regardless of disability.

Nov 8, 2023 in Series
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Geordi La Forge

San Diego Comic-Con Set to Stun

Jun 30, 2015

The Star Trek: Strange New Worlds actor talks to us about the Aenar’s journey across Season 1

Jul 5, 2022
Actor Bruce Horak stands against a purple background. There are two cut-out images of his character, Hemmer, on either side of him.

Plus, watch their full panel, now online!

Oct 9, 2020 in Merch
Star Trek, Hero Collector, Eaglemoss

Captain's Holiday Ale Ready for Consumption

Nov 27, 2017

“It would be interesting, Captain, to return to that world in a hundred years and to learn what crop has sprung from the seed you planted today.”

Apr 21, 2022
Star Trek