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WATCH: Picardo at Griffith Observatory with Special Guest

Mar 3, 2017

Looking back at some of the times each captain found themselves at a moral impasse.

Sep 13, 2023 in Feature
Star Trek — Moral Dilemas

Picardo & Nye Visit James Webb Space Telescope

Jul 13, 2016

"First Contact Day is all about hope. And hope is exactly what it gave to me at a time when I needed it most."

Apr 5, 2021
Star Trek: First Contact

"Past Tense, Parts I & II" has some important lessons for both Americans and their president.

Jul 11, 2021
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

FIRST LOOK: Discovery's "What's Past Is Prologue"

Jan 23, 2018

Making the Most of Your Convention Experience

May 28, 2017

We're highlighting some of Picard's most engaging encounters with Q

Jul 13, 2022
Star Trek: The Next Generation

WATCH: Picardo Interviews Pluto Flyby Principal, Alan Stern

Oct 28, 2016

From resurrected allies to Picard's assimilation, these wild reveals are still surprising viewers new and old.

Nov 15, 2022
Illustrated banner for Remarkable Revelations: 8 Shocking Moments From Star Trek's Past