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The Starfleet Academy Experience Tour to Kick Off This Summer

Jan 27, 2016

Celebrate Captain Picard Day with this list of 10 times Starfleet’s favorite son earned his own day.

Jul 13, 2022
A collage of images of Jean-Luc Picard are against a purple background. A banner reading "Captain Picard Day" is in the lower left corner.

Climb the ranks of Starfleet and explore strange new worlds in this puzzle-filled, action-packed 'escape room' game!

Apr 19, 2023 in Games
Illustrated art featuring Funko Games' Star Trek Cryptic game

In Starfleet everyone has something to eat, fueling the utopia of the Federation.

May 21, 2021
Star Trek Replicators

Star Trek has demonstrated those who began as antagonists can be welcomed into the Federation and Starfleet as allies later.

Apr 21, 2023 in Feature
Illustrated banner featuring Worf

New information direct from Starfleet

Feb 15, 2022
Breaking News

Even though they're not yet in Starfleet, the Protostar crew rely on and support each other just as much as the crew of any other starship.

Jul 10, 2024 in Feature
Graphic illustration of the Prodigy crew's hands around one of Jankom Pog's tools, a cut-out of a brain, a Starfleet delta, and a heart with a delta in the center

Meet The Characters Set For Adventure in IDW's Starfleet Academy

Nov 5, 2015

The one piece that held attention from the second it showed up on screen: The Starfleet Captain’s Bomber Jacket

Jan 4, 2019