Published Feb 28, 2015
Walter Koenig Pays Tribute to Leonard Nimoy
Walter Koenig Pays Tribute to Leonard Nimoy
Walter Koenig, in an essay for Time Magazine, pays tribute to Leonard Nimoy. Always candid, Koenig reveals he knew Spock, the character, before he got to know Nimoy, the man.
The eulogies for Leonard will be affirmative, loving and respectful. That’s what people confirm after the passing of others, whether or not they draw an accurate picture. It is my honor to say that in this case it’s true; Leonard Nimoy was all those things.
He had great professionalism as an actor. On the set he was consistently the character he played. In fact, I got to know Mr. Spock long before I knew the actor who played him. It was a mark of his integrity that he was so loyal to the role he portrayed. When I finally did get to know the man better I discovered his compassion, his intelligence and his humanity. All of which laid the foundation for his keen sense of philanthropy.
I was struck by his integrity and his desire to be honest and straight forward in all he did. We were never close friends but I never stopped believing that if I ever had need for such a friend he would be there.Walter Koenig