Published Jan 10, 2020
U.S.S. Enterprise-D Goes For Gold With Hero Collector
Get one of First Contact's "little ships" all for yourself.
Ever since Star Trek: The Motion Picture first put the lineage of the Enterprise on display, Star Trek has been filled with galleries and collections that show off the Federation's finest vessel designs. Star Trek: The Next Generation went so far as to populate an entire wall of the Enterprise-D's observation lounge with large golden models.
This set feature was lost after the fourth season, but received a major upgrade in Star Trek: First Contact. The Enterprise-E included a spacious showcase holding golden models of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 and all five of its successor starships — sculpted by famed Star Trek designer John Eaves. The glass cabinet bore the brunt of Picard's outrage in his heated argument with Lily Sloane ("Jean-Luc, blow up the damn ship!") but was expanded further for Star Trek: Nemesis, with two new display cases and a further six ships.
Available January 16th, 2020 for the 20th Special Edition of the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, Hero Collector have recreated the very same gold model of the Enterprise-D – cast in incredible detail and plated in 18-carat gold! The ships will cost $64.95 and £49.99.
Check out two preview pages from the accompanying magazine, where designer Andy Probert and art director Herman Zimmerman recall designing the interior of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D alongside Gene Roddenberry.