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Trek/Green Lantern Comic Artist Interview

Trek/Green Lantern Comic Artist Interview

Angel Hernandez, the artist best known for creating the gorgeous interior panels in many DC comic books (Arrow, Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse), is currently lending his talents to IDW Publishing’s blockbuster six-part Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War crossover. In them, the current Star Trek crew makes the acquaintance of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps. IDW recently interviewed Hernandez, and today shares that interview with you. Here’s what he had to say:Who are your big artistic influences? HERNANDEZ:

visual tone. And certainly, I worked on some scenes while I was listen’ve read, in one way or another influences you, or gives you solutions to each project you are developing. From Kirby to Reis, or Altuna to Ortiz, or Mignola to Mazzucchelli through Steranko or Moebius... from each author, big or small, you learn a lot.Did you grow up as a fan of both Star Trek and Green Lantern?HERNANDEZ: When I was a child, I really enjoyed watching classic films on the weekends, and then I stopped following the franchise for a while because where I lived it didn’t air until the new versions by J.J. Abrams arrived. Regarding Green Lantern, he is a character who has always attracted me. He has a very rich universe that is ideal to let your imagination fly. For me, this a is a great opportunity to enjoy two of the richest universes in the industry.What specific books or movies did you look at when developing your style for the series?HERNANDEZ: In order to place the action, I watched, several times, the new Star Trek films. They have everything you need, the environment, the light and the visual tone. And certainly, I worked on some scenes while I was listening to the soundtrack of Michael Giacchino.

There’s a lot of large-scale cosmic action happening in this book. How do you approach these big scenes... one character at a time, or broad strokes that narrow down?


What do you find most rewarding working on this book?


What alien species has been your favorite to draw so far? Which Lantern?

Star Trek

Who do you think the crew of the Enterprise should crossover with next?


What can you say about your colorist, Alejandro?


Star Trek/Green Lantern

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