Think of it as an alternate universe. It's July, but IDW Publishing has just revealed their Star Trek titles for October, and StarTrek.com has an exclusive First Look. Up first is Star Trek/Green Lantern #4 (of 6), written by Mike Johnson, with art by Angel Hernandez and a cover by Marc Laming. The crossover event of 2015 continues as Starfleet and the Green Lantern Corps team up in the middle of a ring-powered galactic war. The evil Nekron has arrived in the Star Trek universe... with his eye on resurrecting the planet Vulcan itself. Star Trek/Green Lantern #4
will run 32 pages and cost $3.99. Variants will include issues with covers by J.K. Woodward and Garry Brown. And, as pariants will include issues with covers by J.K. Woodward and Garry Brown. And, as previously reported, the six connecting variant covers from Garry Brown, one for every issue, will ultimately form one g
tap is Star Trek: Gold Key Archy issue, will ultimately form one giant image.Next on tap is Star Trek: Gold Key Archives, Vol. 4, with stories by Arnold Drake, John David Warner and Gerry Boudreau, art by Alberto Giolitti and Sal Trapani, and a Michael Stribling cove
ocal comic book retailer or visit comicshoplocator.com to find a store near you. Keep an eye on StarTrek.com for additional details about the Star Trek/Green Lantern crossover, as well as exclusive First Looks at covers and preview pages.
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