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Time's Echo Photonovel Out Tomorrow From IDW

Time's Echo Photonovel Out Tomorrow From IDW

John Byrne is back with his latest Star Trek: New Visions photonovel adventure, "Time's Echo," due out tomorrow from IDW Publishing, with Byrne once again serving as writer, artist and photo-manipulator to create a visually compelling Trek tale. Here's the synposis, straight from IDW: "From the raging heart of the galaxy comes a message that summons the crew of the Starship Enterprise on their most bizarre and dangerous mission. A message sent by their own captain… ten centuries earlier."

Star Trek: New Visions: Time's Echo will run 48 pages and cost $7.99. For additional details, contact your local comic book retailer or visit to find a store near you. And keep an eye on for further news about IDW's Star Trek comic books.