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Star Trek's Captain's Log App for iPhone 4

Star Trek's Captain's Log App for iPhone 4

Star Trek fans eager to transform their iPhone 4 into a Star Trek communicator can do so right now.How?With the just-introduced Star Trek Captain’s Log application for iPhone 4 from Paramount Digital Entertainment. A wrist flick activates the app and enables users to capture text entries and voice recordings, to snap photos and to map GPS coordinates, all in the style of the recent Star Trek feature, with familiar, personalize-able images, sounds and even identities (Captain, Romulan, Klingon, etc.).

Users can share their logs with others via Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and email, as well as with fellow Captain’s Log iPhone App users, or they can cloak their logs as private personal records. Other features include a front-facing camera, retina display and a gyroscope function that allows for a 360-degree, 3-D view of the Enterprise. The Captain’s Log application for iPhone 4 costs $1.99 and is available at the Apple App Store.