Star Trek fans the world over have crafted their own uniforms. Some serious fans have even purchased genuine costumes from the various Star Trek television series and features when they’ve become available at auction. But now, thanks to ANOVOS Productions, any Star Trek enthusiast determined to dress the part fashionably – with uniforms as close to the real thing as possible -- can do so with far less hassle or expense.
ANOVOS, this spring, introduced a line of meticulously researched and constructed Star Trek uniform replicas – from both the original series and the 2009 feature film. The original-show products include uniforms worn by Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Uhura, using patterns created by the legendary designer William Ware Theiss. Products inspired by the recent blockbuster movie include the blue, yellow and red uniforms worn by male and female characters. They are constructed from heavyweight material and feature color matching and dyeing/printing from original manufacturers.
“No one bats an eye when a basketball fan wears a Lakers jersey that says ‘Bryant,’ or thinks someone who wears an NFL jersey really believes he’s on a professional team – it’s just a way to be a true fan,” explains Joe Salcedo, co-founder of AVONOS with Dan Gasser. “Science-fiction fans enjoy the same excitement and sense of community, and we think they should their passion with the world.”
The Star Trek uniforms from ANOVOS are available exclusively online. Visit www.ANOVOS.com for more information.