Published Apr 16, 2019
What to Wear When You are Boldly Going... to Bed
Happy #WearYourPJsToWorkDay, y'all.
Okay, so we know that National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day isn't a real holiday, but when you work in an office with as many cool PJs at our fingertips as we do, why wouldn't you want to celebrate? Between robes, sleep-shirts, and even a little something for your very own Porthos, we've got all the Star Trek sleepwear you could ask for right here.
Uhura Long Sleeve Pajama Set
19.97, ThinkGeek
Star Trek TOS Ladies' Sleep Shirt
$9.97, ThinkGeek
Gold Security Bathrobe
$34.99, Amazon
TOS Science Officer's Pajama Set
$39.99, Amazon
TOS Commanding Officer Pajama Set
$39.99, Amazon
U.S.S. Discovery Pajama Set
$18.99, Amazon