Published Mar 31, 2013
Shatner Beams Down To Dallas For Texas Lottery Launch
Shatner Beams Down To Dallas For Texas Lottery Launch

William Shatner beamed down to Dallas, Texas, yesterday to help the Texas Lottery launch its new Star Trek scratch-off game. The event also doubled as an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the most people dressed as Star Trek characters in one place at one time.
Overall, the event was a huge success, with fans having a blast, Shatner signing autographs and the Texas Lottery drawing attention to its Star Trek scratch-off game. But the World Record effort fell short, as 561 fans turned out in costume, a figure light years away from the 1,063 people who set the record this past fall at Destination Star Trek London. That record will be challenged again this summer during Creation Entertainment’s Official Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas.