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Original Trek Comic Adventure Due In April From IDW

Original Trek Comic Adventure Due In April From IDW has seen the future -- well, April anyway -- and we can tell you that IDW Publishing will be represented that month by Star Trek #8, an original comic-book adventure set between the events of Star Trek (2009) and the now-in-production sequel. Star Trek #8 thrusts Captain Kirk and his Enterprise crew into a tense race against time to thwart a renegade Vulcan plot to destroy Romulus -- and it features a guest-star appearance by Spock's father, Sarek.

Overseen by Star Trek (2009) writer-producer Roberto Orci, Star Trek #8 is penned by Mike Johnson, and it will feature art by Joe Phillips and a cover by Tim Bradstreet. Fans should be on the lookout for variants that will include a Bradstreet sketch cover and a photo cover. Star Trek #8 will run 32 pages, cost $3.99 and will be available at comic retail stores.

For additional details, contact your local comic book retailer or visit to find a store near you.