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Nimoy's Daughter, Son-in-Law Talk COPD Documentary

Nimoy's Daughter, Son-in-Law Talk COPD Documentary

Star Trek icon Leonard Nimoy’s death in February put the spotlight on COPD, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, the illness that claimed the actor’s life. Most people aren’t aware of the condition, even though it’s one of the most-prevalent lung diseases diagnosed today and despite the fact that it ranks as the third most-common cause of death in America. Nimoy disclosed his diagnosis in 2014 and spent his remaining days talking and tweeting about the illness, revealing how his years of smoking caused it, and imploring anyone who smoked to do the logical thing – and quit.

Julie Nimoy, Leonard’s daughter, and her husband, David Knight, upon learning on Leonard’s illness, endeavored to make a documentary about Nimoy and COPD. And, following his death, they redoubled their efforts. The result, when it’s finished, will be COPD: Highly Illogical – A Special Tribute to Leonard Nimoy, with John de Lancie, Nimoy's longtime friend and Alien Voices colleague, set to narrate. In order to finish the project, Julie and David are turning to the public in general and to Star Trek fans, who, via First Giving and The COPD Foundation, can donate money. The target is $500,000, and as of right now, more than $200,000 has been raised. is lending our support by spreading the word about the project. Go to First Giving to donate, and read on for our interview with Julie Nimoy and David Knight.How, when and why did you decide to make a documentary?NIMOY: After my Dad appeared on CNN/Piers Morgan announcing that he had COPD, he actively began to post messages on his Twitter page about his illness and about the dangers and risks of smoking. It was at this time that David and I realized the impact a film on COPD could have. At the end of 2014 during the holidays, it was very clear to me that my Dad was struggling with this condition. After coming out about his illness, it was very apparent to David and myself that we needed to make people aware of COPD and how it was affecting my father and our family's life. It became important to us to produce a documentary that will help educate people who may be currently suffering with COPD and not be aware of it. In addition, once they've been evaluated by their physician, a correct diagnosis can be made. Finally and most important, we also, like my Dad, feel very strongly about getting the word out to encourage people not to smoke or to quit immediately.

KNIGHT: When Leonard appeared on Piers Morgan, that’s when it really clicked for us. Leonard was a very private man, especially when it came to his health. But when he announced that he had COPD, he became very proactive and started posting messages about his condition and encouraging people to quit smoking. He’d been a huge smoker for a long time. And that’s when we thought, “It’d be great if we could really expand on what Leonard is doing.” That’s when we decided to produce a film on COPD. We were learning so much information from Leonard about the condition, and Leonard was learning about it himself. So we decided that if Leonard didn’t know much about it, there were probably a lot of other people who didn’t know much about the condition, either. We started reading and learning about it, and decided to do the documentary. The most startling thing we learned is that over 15 million people have COPD and they either don’t know it or have never officially been diagnosed with it. That’s what happened with Leonard. He had the symptoms, but was not officially diagnosed until much later. How involved was Leonard before he passed?NIMOY: While my Dad was aware of the project, his health was already compromised by his illness. He gave me encouragement and believed the documentary was an important way to reach the public.KNIGHT: So he was just involved in the early stages. There was a lot happening at that point. Sadly, my Mom had passed away. Julie and I were planning our wedding. Leonard’s health was in decline, and it really got worse around Thanksgiving, 2014. So there was a lot happening, but he was aware of us wanting to make the documentary. We told him what we were doing and he gave us some encouragement and some advice.

Had either of you even heard of COPD before Leonard's diagnosis? Had he ever heard of it?



How much of Highly Illogical will be educational in nature?



In what ways will Leonard and his illness factor into this? Is his story a jumping off point or is the plan to spread it across the length of the doc?


Tell us about the crowd sourcing and how you chose to go the route you have with the organization you have?



When do you anticipate the film will be completed -- and how do you hope to make it available to people?



Right now, COPD is incurable. So what are your hopes here... To help find a cure or at least improve treatment? To make more people more aware of the disease and treatment advances? To stop people from smoking?  All of the above?

COPD: Highly Illogical – A Special Tribute to Leonard Nimoy