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Nacelle Opens Up Pre-Sale for Upcoming Star Trek Action Figure Line

Wave One includes fan-favorites and deep cuts such as Weyoun, Tuvix, and Mirror Archer!

Nacelle's Wave 1 Figures including Valkris, Weyoun, Tuvix, Rachel Garrett, Mirror Archer, Jellico, Peter Preston, and Captain Sulu

Nacelle Toys is excited to reveal the pre-sale date for their highly anticipated Star Trek action figure line. All eight action figures from Wave One will be available to pre-order starting today at

Nacelle's Wave 1 Figures including Mirror Archer, Valkris, Tuvix, and Captain Sulu

Previously, Nacelle announced the complete lineup for Wave One at New York Comic Con, which includes:

  • Captain Jellico from 's ""
  • Weyoun from
  • Captain Garrett from 's ""
  • Captain Sulu from
  • Peter Preston from
  • Tuvix from 's ""
  • Valkris from
  • Mirror Archer from 's ""
Nacelle's Wave 1 Figures including Weyoun, Rachel Garrett, Peter Preston, and Jellico

The trailblazing Star Trek franchise portrays unity and collaboration amongst hundreds of different cultures in their interpretation of a future universal society, while celebrating the beauty of exploration and analyzing ethical dilemmas largely based on societal issues.

Nacelle solicited ideas from Star Trek fans worldwide regarding future waves, asking them to email their suggestions. The response has been overwhelming and Nacelle has incorporated fan input into their Wave Two lineup. Bridge crews are expected to be announced soon.

"I'm honored with the overwhelmingly positive response from the Star Trek community on our first wave of figures," said Nacelle Founder and CEO, Brian Volk-Weiss. "To earn the trust of this passionate and loyal fanbase, is truly one of the highlights of my career."