Published Sep 3, 2014
Charity Star Trek Comics Bundle
Charity Star Trek Comics Bundle

Pay what you want for some great Star Trek comics and support The Hero Initiative in the process. That's the concept behind the Humble Star Trek Bundle, which is underway now and finds IDW Publishing and pay-what-you-want plus charity digital distributors Humble Bundle teaming up to bring more than $270 worth of digital comic books from the Star Trek franchise to fans.
Star Trek Classics Vol. 1, Star Trek Classics Vol. 2, Star Trek: Best of Klingons
Star Trek: Gold Key Archives Vol. 1
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Hive, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Burden of Knowledge
Star Trek: Mirror Images
Star Trek: Countdown, Star Trek: Movie Adaptation, Star Trek Nero, Star Trek: Spock Reflections, Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness
Star Trek Vol. 1
Star Trek
Star Trek
The Humble Star Trek Bundle, presented by IDW Publishing, will end on Wednesday, September 17, 2014 at 11 a.m. PST.