Published Sep 1, 2022
Gaze Upon the Glory of the Star Trek: Lower Decks T-Shirt Collective
The full Season 3 t-shirt collective is only available until 09/01/22!
Ensigns, do you like space? What about sweet, space merch? Great! Well, buckle up! Because Emmy award-winning animation house Titmouse is back with its exclusive T-shirt club ft. 10 new designs inspired by Season 3 of Star Trek: Lower Decks.
Starting now, fans can sign up for the Full Season Galactic T-Shirt Collective* subscription ($250 gets you all 10 tees + an 11th BONUS shirt), OR you can purchase each shirt individually as they drop alongside new episodes starting 08/25. All 11 original designs are from the artists of Lower Decks, and are only available until sold out.
The chance to sign up for the full subscription will only last until 09/01, meaning end of day today!. Sign up here!
To get you stoked for the Lower Decks T-Shirt Collective like we are, had the opportunity to speak to Antonio Canobbio, CCO of Titmouse, and Barry Kelly, Supervising Director of Titmouse. How did you finalize this season’s designs?
Antonio Canobbio: The goal is to design the set as something new every time so we avoid redundancies and repeating designs we’ve already done in the past. We always start with a meeting of the brains of this show to discuss the main themes, influences, and an angle for each shirt. Ultimate goal — keepin’ it fresh!
Barry Kelly: We go through a lot of smaller crude designs, in a fun, sometimes ugly stage. I can’t wait to do a shirt of our crude doodles combined into one super croodle. Are there any noteworthy inspirations you can tease for us regarding this year’s collection or this season’s designs?
Barry Kelly: I always look for t-shirts that I remember — there were a lot of fun Star Trek shirts and styles from the older shows and conventions that I’d love to channel. My 8th grade science teacher wore a bright white sweatshirt that had an airbrush drawing Spock, Bones, and Kirk. It was unashamedly geeky and I loved it. Comparing those to my favorite style of shirts now, we try to combine what we love about both to make fresh styles. What are you excited about in this upcoming season?
Barry Kelly: Deep Space Nine! A really fun aspect of the show is visiting classic locations, and I love that we get to park the U.S.S. Cerritos at a pylon! I feel just as excited about the Lower Deckers in the show when they get to walk the promenade for the first time. With the third iteration of this t-shirt club program, are there new and unexpected things you’ve introduced?
Barry Kelly: There might be some small details reminiscent of Star Trek symbols in there. (If we can cleverly hide them.) There’s nothing else I can give away; it’s a spoiler free zone! Without running the surprise, which week’s shirt is your favorite? Or you can’t wait to see fans rocking at a future con?
Antonio Canobbio: I’m super excited about this year's bonus shirt for the subscribers.
Barry Kelly: Episode 2 has really fun art, but Episode 9 might be so simple, it's perfect. I might need to buy duplicates of it so I don’t run out! Anything else to add?
Antonio Canobbio: I can’t say it enough, so thanks to the fans who just like us, wear those cool shirts with pride.
Barry Kelly: Thanks for joining us in the Lower Decker Shirt Collective!
*By 'galactic,' we mean the US and Canada only.