Published Oct 3, 2015
FIRST LOOK: I.K.S. Rotarran for Attack Wing Wave 19
FIRST LOOK: I.K.S. Rotarran for Attack Wing Wave 19

This October, NECA/WizKids will release Star Trek : Attack Wing Wave 19 -- and has an exclusive First Look at the ships in the upcoming expansion packs, continuing with the I.K.S. Rotarran. During the Dominion War, the I.K.S. Rotarran had unfairly earned the reputation of being a “cursed” ship, bringing dishonor to its crew. All of this changed, however, when General Martok was assigned command of the Rotarran by the Klingon High Council.At first the Rotarran sought to “avoid conflict” with the Jem’Hadar. This is reflected in the Rotarran’s special ability that, as an action, allows the ship to perform a second maneuver on the maneuver dial with a speed of 1 or 2. After taking that action, the Rotarran gets an Auxiliary Token and cannot attack this turn. When finally forced into battle, Martok and crew rose to the occasion earning another glorious victory for the Klingon Empire.
Martok, himself, is a level 7 Captain who reduces the cost of all other Klingon upgrades. Additionally, when attacking, Martok allows the player to take an action to roll 2 less attack dice to add 1 hit result to his roll. In true Klingon spirit, if all upgrades on this ship are Klingon, you roll only one less attack die to gain 1 hit result instead. First Officer Worf provides a +1 bonus to your captain skill, which increases to +3 if you have a Klingon Captain. Simulating the near mutiny on Rotarran if your captain is ever disabled or discarded, Worf becomes the new captain with a skill level of 5. Worf cannot benefit from his special ability that increases the captain’s skill value if he himself becomes the new captain. Serving as Science Officer aboard the Rotarran, Jadzia Dax helped to restore Klingon pride and spirit to the crew. Jadzia Dax allows you to spend a scan token to convert 1 battle stations result on your die into a hit or evade result. Talk about turning the tide of battle. Considered to be one of their own, Jadzia Dax does not pay a faction penalty when assigned to a Klingon ship.
The Rotarran and its crew returned honor to a ship that had once been disgraced through teamwork and unity. With this latest expansion pack you too can bring victory to the battlefield using these new game elements, restoring honor to the Klingon Empire.
Visit NECA/WizKids at for additional information about Star Trek : Attack Wing and keep an eye on for more First Looks and previews of Wave 19.