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DS9 Fans React to 'What We Left Behind'

Viewers took to Twitter to share the love with the film's team and their favorite cast.

Deep Space Nine Season 8 Still

We weren't shocked to see fans of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine come out in full force for Ira Steven Behr's new documentary, What We Left Behind, a reflective and speculative documentary that looks back at DS9's legacy, and forward to what an eighth season might have looked like. At Monday night's Hollywood screening, not only did some attendees come enthusiastically decked out in cosplay, they were joined by DS9 stars Cirroc Lofton, Aron Eisenberg, and Nicole de Boer for an intimate post-screening conversation. We were — as we often find ourselves — absolutely overwhelmed by the outpouring of emotion Trek fans showed for the film. Afterwards, many fans took to social media to share their love, awe, gratitude, and favorite memories with DS9's cast, and the documentary's creative team. Some of our favorites have been collected below.