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Fans' Favorite TOS One-liner Is...

Fans' Favorite TOS One-liner Is..., for our latest weekly poll, asked, “What is your favorite one-liner from The Original Series?” The options were To boldly go…, He’s dead, Jim!, Live long and prosper, I’m a doctor, not a…, Beam me up!, and Illogical. The winner, by a galaxy-wide margin, was I’m a doctor, not a…, which grabbed a whopping 47 percent of the vote. Second place was a statistical tie, with Live long and prosper and He’s dead, Jim! each tallying 16 percent, though Live long and prosper enjoyed a 14 vote advantage as we went to print. To boldly go scored 8 percent, followed by Illogical with 7 percent and Beam me up! with 5 percent.

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