Published Aug 30, 2017
A Very Different Search for Spock
A Very Different Search for Spock

Are you ready for a very, very, very different Search for Spock? Well, author Robb Pearlman and Cider Mill Press are joining forces on Search for Spock -- A Star Trek Book of Explanation: A Highly Illogical Parody. This time around, Pearlman -- who blended Trek and humor to great effect in Fun with Kirk and Spock, Redshirt's Little Book of Doom and The Wit and Wisdom of Star Trek -- sends everyone's favorite half-human/half-Vulcan on 15 strange new missions during which readers need to... find Spock. If you're thinking Star Trek with a splash of Where's Waldo, accompanied by Craig Boldman illustrations, you logic would be undeniable.
Search for Spock -- A Star Trek Book of Exploration: A Highly Illogical Parody, will be released on October 24. It will run 32 pages and cost approximately $14.95. Go to to pre-order it.