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20 Star Trek Quarantine Memes Sure To Engage Some Smiles

Because we could all use a laugh right now.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

We could all use a little levity right now, so in addition to watching as much Star Trek as possible while quarantined, check out these 20 coronavirus memes and see how many can make you smile. This year’s episode title.

Truly, thank you.

We were all already doing this, right?

We should keep this up post-2020.

I’ll . . . pass on the red.

Replicator malfunction?

Especially if you have little Klingons quarantining with you.

True story.

Good point.

?? #startrekpicard #startrekmemes

A post shared by Michelle Hamilton (@michellehamilton21) on

Oh, it can get worse.

I’m gonna need to read the script first.

Quark 2020

Back up!

It’s okay to cry.

You know it’s bad when the Borg avoid you.

Maybe just don’t watch the news.

Please, don’t do this.

This is what I’m calling it from now on.

Just give us the cure, McCoy.

How about this week.

What are the best memes you’ve seen over the past month and change? Share them with us @StarTrek on Twitter and Instagram!

A Star Trek Pandemic-Themed Watch List

Margaret Kingsbury (she/her) is a contributing writer at Book Riot, where she raves about the SFF books she loves. She writes about children's books at Baby Librarians, a website she co-founded, and you can find her on Twitter @areaderlymom and on Instagram @babylibrarians

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