Celebrate Starfleet With the New Book Star Trek: Starfleet Is...
Get inspired with lessons about what Starfleet means across the franchise
What is Starfleet?
It is the universe’s most famous and inspirational coalitions of all time. It has boldly gone where no pop culture franchise has gone before. It is the foundation for a thriving community of passionate fans.
Star Trek: Starfleet Is . . .: Celebrating the Federation’s Ideals beams down onto shelves on September 7, 2021. This commemorative book highlights 50 of the key traits of the Star Trek universe and demonstrates, through memorable images and beautiful artwork, how these ideals are personified by everyone from Kirk and Spock, to Picard and Janeway, to Burnham and Mariner, and their voyages to everywhere from Earth to Vulcan. Now available for pre-order in hardcover and ebook formats wherever books are sold! ($15 US / $20 CAN)