Published Dec 21, 2023
Honoring the Strength and Power of Raffi Musiker
What does it mean to be a beacon of strength? Let's highlight some of our favorite moments that show her resilience.
Raffaela "Raffi" Musiker is a wonderful beacon of strength within Star Trek and her power is evident throughout the galactic Federation.
In commemoration of Michelle Hurd's birthday let's take a look at some of the episodes that highlight her not only as a resourceful leader but as a solid friend.
"The Impossible Box"
You know Picard. Every part of that guy that's not ego is rampaging id.
Raffaela "Raffi" Musiker, "The Impossible Box"

"The Impossible Box"
In the "Impossible Box," the episode begins with Picard and his crew infiltrating the Borg Cube in search of Soji. At the start of this episode, we are given flashbacks that show the planet destruction and failed recovery of the Romulans. During the investigation, they take a trip to the Borg Cube and the crew is able to execute the rescue and escape of vital crew members.
Raffi plays an important role as Picard’s trusted friend and confidante. She provides priceless intel to the mission to recover Soji from the Borg Cube and is the main reason why Picard is able to navigate through and successfully complete the mission. All of this is due to the information and resourcefulness of Raffi, and her analytical power.
"The End is the Beginning"
My entire life for the past 14 years has just been one long slide into humiliation, and rage… also a fair amount of snakeleaf-induced paranoia, so some things never change.
Raffaela "Raffi" Musiker, "The End is the Beginning"

"The End is the Beginning"
In the Star Trek: Picard episode "The End is the Beginning," Picard learns about secrets within the Romulan nation and enlists Raffi to assist him with a murder investigation. At the time, Raffi is struggling and living in isolation, but agrees to go to the Romulan relocation site to help with the investigation.
Raffi has to contact her estranged son to connect information on Picard's behalf, which is not be easy for her. Through her investigative work, she helps discover information that drives the case forward and helps her friend Picard retrieve much needed information that will help in the long run.
"Broken Pieces"
First of all, I'm gonna to ask you to never call me 'lassie' again.
Raffaela "Raffi" Musiker, "Broken Pieces"

"Broken Pieces"
In "Broken Pieces," Raffi uncovers essential information, providing again her intelligence and analytical skills to the mission.
At the start of the episode, there is a flashback that exposes a Romulan secret. Picard and his crew come across a dismantled Romulan ship that is floating aimlessly in space. After probing the ship, Picard uncovers a few secrets including a hidden room reveals information previously unknown about the Romulans. With Raffi and crew by his side, Picard is able to intercept a message that sets in motion warnings of danger.
I love you, J.L. Oh, you don't have to say it back to me.
Raffaela "Raffi" Musiker, "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1"

"Seventeen Seconds"
One thing in common within these situations is the ability for Raffi to use her tenacity, resourcefulness, and commitment to her friends that furthers the causes she believes in. Her ability to endure through any problem makes her a vital part of the crew and an essential piece to every mission she is apart of.