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Star Trek Into Darkness Premieres in Australia

Star Trek Into Darkness Premieres in Australia

Sydney, Australia, was the site of the first Star Trek Into Darkness premiere, which took place today, April 23. On hand were director J.J. Abrams and a trio of his stars: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Karl Urban, who’d also joined forces with the director the day before for a photo call, complete with Star Trek Into Darkness surfboards. CBS News in Australia caught up with the actors on the red carpet at the premiere.

“It's a lot of fun. I love Kirk," Pine said, "I love Kirk. Kirk is a man of passion. He’s ruled by his heart and emotion, and he can go from crying to yelling to laughing to loving, and I just love his passion."

"I used to watch Star Trek reruns as a kid and I always enjoyed it,” Urban noted. “And it's kinda surreal to be a part of this amazing re-invention.”

"I've had the distinct privilege to get to know and to work with Leonard Nimoy so closely," Quinto said, "We've become good friends and he's such a instrumental figure in my life that I feel like I’ve learned as much from him, the person, as I have from him, the actor who plays the character. That’s a great honor and one I know I’ll look back on with a lot of pride and gratitude.”

Added Abrams, “The experience of making this movie was the most challenging and the most fun, simultaneously. It was very surreal, continuing the story with these actors, on these sets, because it felt like we did it. It was a very special experience [Star Trek (2009)], and all of a sudden we were back doing it again. I think that this movie goes further. It’s much bigger, and I think it’s much more of an adventure than the last one. It was a thrill to get to do."