Published Mar 14, 2016
Star Trek III's T'Lar In a Very Different Role
Star Trek III's T'Lar In a Very Different Role

Leonard Nimoy begged, pleaded, cajoled and finally convinced Dame Judith Anderson to play the Vulcan High Priestess T'Lar in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. He could think of no other actress for the role but the Australian grande dame of the stage, revered for her portrayals of Medea and Lady Macbeth. She also played the fearsome Mrs. Danvers in the Alfred Hitchcock film Rebecca, earning an Oscar nomination for her riveting turn. This spring, anyone interested in catching another remarkable performance by Anderson will have his or her chance, as The Red House, a 1947 noir drama, will be released on Blu-ray by The Film Detective, distributed by Allied Vaughn.
The Red House