A series of four Star Trek-themed credit cards is due out this fall from NASA Federal Credit Union. The cards will be part of a credit card program that will offer unique rewards of Star Trek
merchandise and experiences, as well as the benefits of the current NASA Federal Credit Union Platinum Advantage Rewards credit card program.“We’re excited to offer these new cards to Star Trek enthusiasts to express their support every time they use the card,” NASA Federal Credit Union president and CEO, Douglas Allman, said in a statement. “We hope fans will take advantage of this exciting new benefit while also remembering that, as NASA Federal members, they can take advantage of a full array of financial services designed to save them time and money.”The four Star Trek Platinum Advantage Rewards Credit Cards will include the United Federation of Planets, Starfleet Academy Alumni, Starfleet Command and the Captain’s Card. All of the cards, which will be available in September, will feature a competitive interest rate, a generous rewards program and no balance fees. Go to www.nasafcu.com/startrek to apply for the cards.
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