Published Dec 24, 2014
McCormack's Deep Space Nine: The Missing Available Dec. 30
McCormack's Deep Space Nine: The Missing Available Dec. 30

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Missing will be released by Simon & Schuster/Pocket Books on December 30. The latest Trek adventure by author Una McCormack is a direct sequel to the New York Times bestselling story arc, The Fall; McCormack penned Star Trek: The Fall: The Crimson Shadow. Here's the synopsis, direct from the publisher:The entire sector is waiting to see what the newly reopened Bajoran wormhole will mean for the shifting political landscape in the Alpha Quadrant. On Deep Space 9, Captain Ro Laren is suddenly drawn into the affairs of the People of the Open Sky, who have come to the station in search of sanctuary. Despite the opposition of the station's security officer, Jefferson Blackmer, Ro Laren and Deep Space 9's new CMO, Doctor Beverly Crusher, offer the People aid. But when Dr. Crusher’s highly secure files are accessed without permission—the same files that hold the secrets of the Shedai, a race whose powerful but half-understood scientific secrets solved the Andorian catastrophe—the People seem the likeliest suspects.