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FIRST LOOK: Star Trek Stamps Coming for 2016

FIRST LOOK: Star Trek Stamps Coming for 2016

The United States Postal Service, as part of the ongoing Star Trek 50th anniversary celebration, will offer Star Trek stamps in 2016, and is pleased to present a special First Look at the set. Designed by The Heads of State, who also designed the issuance/panel, each stamp showcases one of four digital illustrations inspired by elements of the iconic Star Trek: The Original Series. Antonio Alcala served as the project's art director.

The four stamps include:

The U.S.S. Enterprise inside the outline of a Starfleet insignia against a gold background

The silhouette of a crewman in a transporter against a red background

The silhouette of the Enterprise from above against a green background

The Enterprise inside the outline of the Vulcan salute against a blue background

On the panel beneath the stamps, against a background of stars, are the words "Space... the final frontier," from Captain Kirk's famous voiceover. Stamps Copyright © 2015 USPS. All Rights Reserved.

Keep an eye on for additional news about the USPS Star Trek stamps.

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