Published Oct 6, 2015
FIRST LOOK: R.I.S. Talvath for Attack Wing Wave 19
FIRST LOOK: R.I.S. Talvath for Attack Wing Wave 19

This October NECA/WizKids will release Star Trek : Attack Wing Wave 19, and has the exclusive First Look at the ships in the upcoming expansion packs, finishing out the Wave 19 previews with the R.I.S Talvath.The R.I.S Talvath was built to conduct both standard and experimental research. As such, the Talvath is quick and evasive, but not a warship. With a primary weapon value of 1, agility value of 2, hull and shield value of 2, this ship is designed to get in and get out quickly without taking heavy hits. Three tech upgrade slots allow you to load the Talvath up with any research equipment you might need. The action bar has Evade; Cloak and Sensor Echo actions available to help avoid any interruptions to your research. The ship itself has a special ability that allows the Talvath to potentially add up to 3 evade tokens next to the ship, helping it to survive any hostile encounters.