Published Feb 3, 2014
FIRST LOOK: Kirk & Spock from Square Enix
FIRST LOOK: Kirk & Spock from Square Enix

PLAY ARTS KAI iterations of Captain Kirk and Spock are set for release this summer from Square Enix America, and has an exclusive First Look. The Kirk figure measures 3.35" W by 2.0" D by 9.45" H and will include such accessories as a communicator, phaser and utility belt.

The Spock figure measures 3.62" W by 2.6" by 9.45" H and will feature such accessories as a communicator, phaser, utility belt and an alternate hand that replicate the Vulcan salute. Each figure will come with a display stand.

The Kirk and Spock figures will cost approximately $89.99 each and will be be sold separately. Visit to pre-oder Kirk and Spock. And keep an eye on for additional details.