Published Sep 21, 2012
FIRST LOOK: IDW's December Trek Titles
FIRST LOOK: IDW's December Trek Titles

Are the holidays here already? Not quite, but IDW Publishing is looking ahead to December and has, in fact, announced their slate of Star Trek titles for that month. StarTrek.comhas a First Look at the covers and details about each of the five titles. First up is Star Trek #16, which concludes the two-part tale that finds the crew of the Star Trek (2009) Enterprise visiting the TOS Mirror Universe. Mike Johnson wrote Star Trek #16, which features art by Stephen Molnar and a cover by Tim Bradstreet, and has been overseen by Star Trek (2009) writer-producer Roberto Orci. The title will run 32 pages and cost $3.99, while variants will include a Bradstreet sketch cover and a photo cover.
Finally, be on the lookout for Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #8. For those keeping count, #8 is the eighth and final chapter in the blockbuster Star Trek/Doctor Who crossover adventure. In it, our heroes launch a desperate mission behind enemy lines as they strive to thwart the CyberBorg threat. However, there’s a traitor in their midst. Assimilation2 #8 is written by Scott and David Tipton, with art by J.K. Woodward and Gordon Purcell, and a cover by Woodward. The title will run 32 pages and cost $3.99. Also available: an Andrea Di Vito variant cover.