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EXCLUSIVE: Mulgrew Talks Memoir, Voyager, OITNB & More, Part 2

EXCLUSIVE: Mulgrew Talks Memoir, Voyager, OITNB & More, Part 2

Kate Mulgrew has always been a tell-it-like-it-is lady, and so it’s no surprise that her new memoir – Born with Teeth, out now from Little Brown – pulls no punches, either. You can hear Mulgrew’s voice, that cadence, in every sentence, sharing anecdotes from her life in vivid, deeply personal detail, all of it Irish to the core. She delves into her childhood, her romances, a brutal rape and the life of an actress. She recounts blowing her first Star Trek: Voyager audition and later inhabiting Captain Janeway, as well as the tremendous guilt she felt over being away from her sons while traversing the Delta Quadrant. Mulgrew also spends many a page describing her efforts to locate and reunite with the daughter she’d given up for adoption in her youth. In recent days, Mulgrew has been making the rounds to promote Born with Teeth, and caught up with her by telephone on Friday to talk about the book, Voyager, Orange Is the New Black and more. Below is part two of our conversation, and make sure to check out Part One if you missed it.

We've talked about the book in detail. So let's touch on some other things. Season three of Orange Is the New Black will debut this summer. How surprising, how rewarding has the experience been for you?


Give us a quick sense of what kind of trouble Red will be causing and/or dealing with this season?

Let's talk about Voyager for a few moments. How surreal is it to you that it's the 20th anniversary of the show?


The entire Voyager cast, with the exception of Jennifer Lien, will gather together for Creation's big convention in August. How excited are you for that reunion?


Do you ever still hear Janeway's voice in your head or think, What would Janeway do? Or even just wonder what she's doing now? Or was she a role you played, it’s over and life goes on?

So you would be open to playing Janeway again?


Both as Kate Mulgrew and as Kathryn Janeway you’ve been a role model to many, many young women. We’re guessing that hearing about that never gets old, right?

Last question: What’s next?

Orange Is the New Black
Somewhere Fun
Orange Is the New Black

Born with Teeth
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