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And the Star Trek After Darkness Saga Continues

And the Star Trek After Darkness Saga Continues

IDW Publishing will continue its ongoing Star Trek comic-book saga with the release on Wednesday of Star Trek #22, the second installment in its three-story Star Trek After Darkness miniseries. Written by Mike Johnson, overseen by Roberto Orci, and with art by Erfan Fajar and a cover by Tim Bradstreet, Star Trek #22 finds Kirk and his Enterprise crew contending with a dire new threat that's risen in the wake of the events of Star Trek Into Darkness.

Star Trek #22 will run 32 pages and will cost $3.99. Be sure to keep an eye open for variants that include a photo cover and a Tim Bradstreet sketch cover. For additional details, contact your local comic book retailer or visit to find a store near you. And keep an eye on for further news about IDW's upcoming Star Trek comic books.