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50th Issue of The Official Star Trek Magazine Out Now

50th Issue of The Official Star Trek Magazine Out Now

The Official Star Trek Magazine is celebrating its 50th edition just as Star Trek itself approaches the big 5-0. To celebrate the franchise, the magazine -- which is out now -- kicks off with a special feature about the iconic Enterprise, recalling where she came from, where she went and what she represents.

To commemorate the 50th issue, Star Trek Magazine editor Christopher Cooper lists 50 reasons why he loves Trek. Also included is an interview with Tim Russ in which he talks about his post-Voyager experiences and how Tuvok still plays a major role in his life. Plus; there are details about how you can win tickets to Destination Star Trek 3 in London.

And there's more: "Trek Britain," which details how British audiences were first won over by a glitzy US import called... Star Trek; a piece about Star Trek Online's anniversary; plus exclusive original fiction aboard the Enterprise-F. And, there are details about how you can win tickets to the upcoming Destination Star Trek 3 in London.

Visit for details and to subscribe to The Official Star Trek Magazine.